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How to Eat Less Meat

It’s difficult to convince people they need to eat less meat. Eating meat with every meal is a cultural tradition so ingrained in our society that those who opt of of the traditional eating patterns,...

Is the Ornish Diet the Best Diet?

The Paleo Diet might be the most popular fad diet right now. It’s built upon the idea that the food that has allowed humans to evolve to where we are today should be the food we...

How To Live to be 100

My goal is to live to 120 years old. It’s a goal that, if I make, I’ll be pretty impressed with myself. If not… I suppose 119 will do. I just finished reading Healthy...

The Benefits of Fat – Health Video Pick of the Week

There is a lot of fear surrounding fat in our diet, but it’s so important that we include healthy fat in our meals. As Joyous Health points out, fat helps with chemical reactions in the body, helps...

Sick A Lot? Here’s Why Your Immune System Sucks

Your immune system is an amazing thing. Sure, when you’re home sick with giant puffy red eyes and an entire box of Kleenex shoved up your nose, it probably seems like your immune system has...

The 7 Deadly Sins & Lies of Dieting

“She must be a size 4. Why can’t I be a size 4? She just has better genes than me. So unfair. Why does she get to look like that?” Everyone has to start...

Eat For You

Some people seem stuck in the idea that they’re trapped by what their family or spouse eats. They believe that having a vegetarian husband makes them automatically vegetarian too; or having pressure from a...

Top 5 Favorite Yoga YouTube Channels

Healthy living doesn’t just mean eating right (sorry), it means you need to exercise too! Yoga is a fantastic way to get that exercise in while improving your flexibility and helping your circulation.

The Body-Shaming Trend

Have you noticed it? In the past year or two it seems like the internet has grown more judgmental about other people’s bodies than ever before.

The Four Horsemen of the Health Apocalypse

This study says that, statistically, you’re unhealthy… unless you’re one of the 2.7% of people that isn’t.

Top 10 Favorite Vegan YouTubers

Have you ever wanted to go vegan? Have you ever dreamed of making a delicious summery ice cream dessert with frozen bananas, cinnamon and dates? Or maybe you’re just trying to eat healthier and are...

Nutrition Tips For Cancer Prevention

Feel like seeing a ridiculously depressing statistic today? How about this one: That’s 40% of Canadians. 40% will get cancer. How is that even possible?