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alkaline fruits and vegetables

Is Your Acid vs Alkaline Balance Important?

Our blood sits at a pH of 7.4. This means it leans, ever so slightly, alkaline. If something were to happen in our body and this somehow changed, even by a small amount, like...

Our Skewed View of Health

In the household I grew up in, there was no ‘healthy’ food or ‘unhealthy’ food; there was just food. Sure, some food might be ‘better for you’ than others, but we didn’t really know...

Why Are GMOs So Scary?

There’s a lot of debate regarding genetically modified foods. Are they as nutritious as non-GMO food? Do they taste the same as the original? Will they be responsible for the onset of the zombie apocalypse? (Am...

Is the Ornish Diet the Best Diet?

The Paleo Diet might be the most popular fad diet right now. It’s built upon the idea that the food that has allowed humans to evolve to where we are today should be the food we...

How To Live to be 100

My goal is to live to 120 years old. It’s a goal that, if I make, I’ll be pretty impressed with myself. If not… I suppose 119 will do. I just finished reading Healthy...

How To Count Calories

Counting calories can be a lot of work. Keeping track of everything you eat in the correct amounts get tricky when you eat out or make something at home with a lot of different...

10 Elements of a Healthy Diet

The primary elements of a healthy diet involve going back to the basics; in other words, eating food how we used to: natural, unprocessed, clean, in-season, and local. I found these fantastic tips in the book...

The 7 Deadly Sins & Lies of Dieting

“She must be a size 4. Why can’t I be a size 4? She just has better genes than me. So unfair. Why does she get to look like that?” Everyone has to start...

Eat For You

Some people seem stuck in the idea that they’re trapped by what their family or spouse eats. They believe that having a vegetarian husband makes them automatically vegetarian too; or having pressure from a...

My Super Effective Cold Remedy

Some people have cold remedies they swear by – chicken soup, bone broth, maybe some weird exotic fruit, or just enough cough syrup to keep them asleep all weekend long. As you may have...

5 Awesome Health Hacks

Have you ever said “I want to be healthier”? It’s a pretty generic statement, but if you want some help in achieving it, these 5 health hacks are a good place to start.

Top 5 Favorite Yoga YouTube Channels

Healthy living doesn’t just mean eating right (sorry), it means you need to exercise too! Yoga is a fantastic way to get that exercise in while improving your flexibility and helping your circulation.

The Four Horsemen of the Health Apocalypse

This study says that, statistically, you’re unhealthy… unless you’re one of the 2.7% of people that isn’t.

Top 5 Favorite Nutrition YouTubers

If you’re looking for expert advice on nutrition, these YouTubers have a wealth of knowledge to share.

Top 10 Favorite Vegan YouTubers

Have you ever wanted to go vegan? Have you ever dreamed of making a delicious summery ice cream dessert with frozen bananas, cinnamon and dates? Or maybe you’re just trying to eat healthier and are...

The 3 Diet Rules of ‘Skinny’

If you’re overweight, slimming down to a size where your tummy doesn’t protrude out the top of your jeans can be an undertaking so overwhelming the thought alone can send you into a stress induced...

The Laws of Eternal Youth

It’s difficult to convince people that how they treat their bodies when they’re young will determine their health when they’re old. It shouldn’t be a tough sell, but it sadly is.

Jucin’ Recipe: Papaya & The Beet

This is a super tasty and ultra healthy recipe for a yummy juice that’s pretty quick to make.

Food Combining for Perfect Digestion

Digestion Is A Big Deal If you’re looking to be one of those super healthy, slim, energetic people (yay!) who never get sick, then proper food combining is crucial. The crazy part is you’ve probably...

The Best Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Ever

A.K.A A much healthier and tastier alternative to most chocolate chip cookie recipes. This one has no refined sugars, butter or milk, and tastes like Christmas morning. *I would recommend this recipe to anyone with...