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Toast and salad

What I Eat In A Day: Eating Under 2300 Calories While Breastfeeding

This is my diet on a regular day; when I can totally manage eating under 2300 calories while breastfeeding. My diet on a day when my kids are having tantrums, not sleeping, and just...

How To Lose Weight Fast

I’ve seen my weight fluctuate a lot since high school, but every single time I am determined to lose weight I do, and when I want it to, it can happen very quickly. Why?...

Want To Do A Potato Cleanse?

What I’ve learned since educating myself in nutrition is that if something is edible there’s a fad diet for it. Some of those diets have merit and are based in actual science, and others...

5 Fad Diets That Will Never Be Real

The Syrup diet; welcome to sweet, sweet, syrupy heaven. With a huge variety of foods to choose from, this diet is the best chance for turning your frown upside down. Unlike some diets that claim...

How To Live to be 100

My goal is to live to 120 years old. It’s a goal that, if I make, I’ll be pretty impressed with myself. If not… I suppose 119 will do. I just finished reading Healthy...

How To Count Calories

Counting calories can be a lot of work. Keeping track of everything you eat in the correct amounts get tricky when you eat out or make something at home with a lot of different...