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The Unhealthy Vegan

‘Going vegan’ will not automatically make you healthy. There is such thing as an unhealthy vegan. Many people think that vegans are food obsessed health nuts. For many vegans, this might be true, but...

The New Four Food Groups

A Basic Outline For Healthy Eating The idea of the basic four food groups that most of us grew up with is, sadly, as outdated as it is ridiculous, putting the most nourishing foods,...
alkaline fruits and vegetables

Is Your Acid vs Alkaline Balance Important?

Our blood sits at a pH of 7.4. This means it leans, ever so slightly, alkaline. If something were to happen in our body and this somehow changed, even by a small amount, like...

Perils Of An Underactive Stomach

Digestive problems seem to be one of the most common ailments people complain about; and one of the most medicated. Then again, it’s easier to take a pill and make the pain go away...