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How To Lose Weight Fast

I’ve seen my weight fluctuate a lot since high school, but every single time I am determined to lose weight I do, and when I want it to, it can happen very quickly. Why?...

Want To Do A Potato Cleanse?

What I’ve learned since educating myself in nutrition is that if something is edible there’s a fad diet for it. Some of those diets have merit and are based in actual science, and others...

Our Skewed View of Health

In the household I grew up in, there was no ‘healthy’ food or ‘unhealthy’ food; there was just food. Sure, some food might be ‘better for you’ than others, but we didn’t really know...

5 Fad Diets That Will Never Be Real

The Syrup diet; welcome to sweet, sweet, syrupy heaven. With a huge variety of foods to choose from, this diet is the best chance for turning your frown upside down. Unlike some diets that claim...

Is the Ornish Diet the Best Diet?

The Paleo Diet might be the most popular fad diet right now. It’s built upon the idea that the food that has allowed humans to evolve to where we are today should be the food we...

The 7 Deadly Sins & Lies of Dieting

“She must be a size 4. Why can’t I be a size 4? She just has better genes than me. So unfair. Why does she get to look like that?” Everyone has to start...

The 3 Diet Rules of ‘Skinny’

If you’re overweight, slimming down to a size where your tummy doesn’t protrude out the top of your jeans can be an undertaking so overwhelming the thought alone can send you into a stress induced...