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immune system

The Many Reasons Why Garlic Is Great

If ‘Superfoods’ Exist, Garlic Might Be Their King. It is considered one of the most powerful natural remedies ever. While I doubt it repels vampires, it certainly repels all sorts of nasty bacteria. It...
A basket of raw foods

Why You Need To Eat More Raw Food

When you start to delve deep into nutritional science you realize even your healthiest meals can cause problems down the road. That realization sucks, but it can he helped if you only eat more...
Probiotics in yogurt

How Probiotics Help

How probiotics help: They’re your happy little bacteria friends. At some point in your life, someone has likely told you that you should be taking probiotics. That someone was probably an Activia commercial telling...

How To Live to be 100

My goal is to live to 120 years old. It’s a goal that, if I make, I’ll be pretty impressed with myself. If not… I suppose 119 will do. I just finished reading Healthy...

10 Elements of a Healthy Diet

The primary elements of a healthy diet involve going back to the basics; in other words, eating food how we used to: natural, unprocessed, clean, in-season, and local. I found these fantastic tips in the book...

The Benefits of Fat – Health Video Pick of the Week

There is a lot of fear surrounding fat in our diet, but it’s so important that we include healthy fat in our meals. As Joyous Health points out, fat helps with chemical reactions in the body, helps...

Sick A Lot? Here’s Why Your Immune System Sucks

Your immune system is an amazing thing. Sure, when you’re home sick with giant puffy red eyes and an entire box of Kleenex shoved up your nose, it probably seems like your immune system has...

My Super Effective Cold Remedy

Some people have cold remedies they swear by – chicken soup, bone broth, maybe some weird exotic fruit, or just enough cough syrup to keep them asleep all weekend long. As you may have...

Top 5 Favorite Yoga YouTube Channels

Healthy living doesn’t just mean eating right (sorry), it means you need to exercise too! Yoga is a fantastic way to get that exercise in while improving your flexibility and helping your circulation.

Top 5 Favorite Nutrition YouTubers

If you’re looking for expert advice on nutrition, these YouTubers have a wealth of knowledge to share.

Jucin’ Recipe: Papaya & The Beet

This is a super tasty and ultra healthy recipe for a yummy juice that’s pretty quick to make.