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whole grains

How Not To Die Book Cover

5 Major Takeaways from the Book ‘How Not To Die’

The book How Not To Die by Michael Greger might be my favorite nutrition book of all time. All the information in the book is laid out into two parts. The first part details...

The New Four Food Groups

A Basic Outline For Healthy Eating The idea of the basic four food groups that most of us grew up with is, sadly, as outdated as it is ridiculous, putting the most nourishing foods,...

Why You Need To Eat More Fiber

How long does it take for your food to travel through your intestines? You wouldn’t think it would take that long, but all that digestion, absorption, and elimination takes a lot of work. The...
alkaline fruits and vegetables

Is Your Acid vs Alkaline Balance Important?

Our blood sits at a pH of 7.4. This means it leans, ever so slightly, alkaline. If something were to happen in our body and this somehow changed, even by a small amount, like...

5 Reasons Why You Should Probably Avoid Coffee

5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD AVOID (OR MINIMIZE) COFFEE I know, I know. There are at least a million articles on the web telling you the benefits of coffee and another million on the harms...