If you’re looking for expert advice on nutrition, these YouTubers have a wealth of knowledge to share. This list of my favorite nutrition YouTubers is made up of three holistic nutritionists, a self-proclaimed “health-nut” (who is working towards becoming a holistic nutritionist), and a registered dietitian nutritionist. This means that the advice they give is well worth your time.
Topics: Holistic nutrition, healthy recipes
Expertise: Holistic Nutritionist (Canadian School of Natural Nutrition)
Topics: Healthy food & recipes
Expertise: ‘Health Nut”
Joyous Health
Topics: Healthy food & recipes, healthy living
Expertise: Certified Holistic Nutritionist (Institute of Holistic Nutrition)
Kim D’Eon
Topics: Healthy food & wellness
Expertise: Holistic Nutritionist (Canadian School of Natural Nutrition)
Topics: Healthy food & recipes; healthy living
Expertise: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Blog Comments
Happy Tiffin
March 28, 2016 at 3:56 am
These list are great, I will add this list to my daily videos.